2 - 5 November 2017

The Exhibition for the UN Conference on Climate Change, COP23 at The Ministry of Environment, Berlin
Andreas Blank, Stefano Cagol, Miru Kim, Nezaket Ekici & Shahar Marcus, Janet Laurence, Reifenberg, Stefan Rinck, Erwin Wurm, Shingo Yoshida
Curators: Constanze Kleiner & Rachel Rits-Volloch

Duration: 3. – 5. November 2017 I 4 – 8 pm
Address: Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit, Stresemannstraße 128-130, 10117 Berlin (Admission is free).

June – September 2017

Photo: Stefan Maria Rother / Opening exhibition „We all love art“


16. September 2017

Schlachthaus.fresh&fine art gallery is pleased to announce this new cooperation
with CHEBLI Wine Bar for artists and art lovers.
From now on new contemporary limited art-editions will be presented
at Daoud’s small and cosy space in Berlin-Mitte! Come and join us!

Jesus Pastor studied at the art academy in Salamanca, Spain.
He has lived and worked in Berlin for 7 years. He works as a photographer in the Berlin clubbing scene.
Jesus comes from a Castilian family, that has been shaped by military and religion for generations.
That hasn’ t made it easy for him to become the first artist in the family.
Schlachthaus.editions @ CHEBLI No 1 will show "The tragedy of beauty".
Jesus Pastor has dedicated these works to the invisible people and forgotten places
of some of the poorest regions of Castile.

22. July – 26. August

Artists: Claus Brunsmann, Mariana Hahn, Thorsten Heinze, Miru Kim, Kate McMillan,
Jesus Pastor, Shingo Yoshida
Curators: Constanze Kleiner, Rachel Rits-Volloch and Stephan von Wiese

With it’s second exhibition, “The Landscape Inside Us”Schlachthaus. fresh&fine art addresses the depiction of landscape, both inner and external, as a narrative process and a contemplative experience.

June 18 – July 16, 2017

curated by Ryszard Wasko

Opening: June 17, 2017 / 6 pm.
Artists: Christian Achenbach, Joe Amrhein, Benjamin Bernt, Karol Bethke, Andreas Blank, Claus Brunsmann, Claudia Chaseling, Kerstin Dzewior, Kristian Dubbick, Jårg Geismar, Romuald Hazoumé. Thorsten Heinze, Bernd Jansen, Halina Jaworski, Joan Jonas, Miru Kim, Kirsten Klöckner, Maria Kossak, Jan Kuck, Konstantin Lange, Mark Lombardi , Sarah Lüdemann, David Malangi, Milovan Destil Marković, Robert C. Morgan, Trevor Lloyd Morgan, Viet Bang Pham, Grzegorz Pleszynski, Dodi Reifenberg, Stefan Rinck, Stephan Runge, Ward Shelley / Alex Schweder, Fred Tomasellii, Maciej Toporowicz, Dagmar Uhde, Nicholé Velasquez, Gabriela Volanti, Ryszard Wasko, Ricardo Peredo Wende.

23.11 - 06.12.2016

The exhibition presents the history of House Buchthal in Berlin-Westend in pictures, plans, and archival documents. In its original form, the home built in 1922/23 was one of the few examples of Expressionist villa architecture in Berlin. 

Not only does this exhibition recount the fascinating story of this house and its complex architectural history. Additionally, it sheds light on its residents and their guests from various eras. With historical photos and plans, as well as images documenting the current renovation process, it poignantly demonstrates the exemplary handling of a significant monument, which in its original form was a fascinating icon of Expressionist architecture.


an exhibition at Architekturforum Aedes  I  ANCB the Metropolitan Laboratory
Christinenstraße 18-19, 10119 Berlin



Artists: Karol Broniatowski, Jan Knap, Otto Piene, Günther Uecker, and Alexandra Vogt as well as historic paintings from the SØR Rusche Collection Oelde/Berlin
Curators: Constanze Kleiner, independent curator, and Dr. Stephan von Wiese, independent writer and curator.

The Archdiocese of Berlin will host its second annual autumn reception with the motto “Misericordiae Vultus – The Face of Mercy” in mind. This will take place on November 15, 2016, at 21:00, on the eve of the last day of the Holy Year of Mercy.

Those invited to this special event include distinguished representatives from political and religious life as well as members of civil society and the scholarly, business, and cultural communities.
Responding to the Holy Year of Mercy, this year’s autumn reception will be accompanied by an art exhibition that gives sensory expression to the papal appeal.
The reception on November 15, 2016 also marks the official opening of the exhibition “Sursum Corda: Erhebung der Herzen,” which will be on view to the public for five more days, from November 16 to 20. 

13 - 22.09.22016

Artists: Andreas Blank, Jan Kuck, Janet Laurence, Via Lewandowski, Sarah Lüdemann, Fiona Pardington, Viet Bang Pham, Hella Santarossa, Daniele Sigalot, Johannes Vetter, Alexandra Vogt, Gabriela Volanti
Curators: Isabell Bernheimer, Constanze Kleiner
Address: Ballhaus, Secret Garden I Gartenstrasse 6 I 10117 Berlin

The world’s broadest question
(Or why we find ourselves at a parting of the ways)​

The question “why?” asks about cause, asks about the causative conditions of realities in the past. In response to a why question, one can immediately pose the next why question – as children do – until the chain of causality leading to the observed event is comprehensible, or one simply chooses to stop asking.


Artists: Qiu Anxiong, Lutz Becker, Andreas Blank, Ronald de Bloeme, Nicky Broekhuysen, Sarah Choo, Nezaket Ekici, Thomas Eller, Theo Eshetu, Amir Fattal, Annika Glass / Miguel Wysocki, Paula Godínez, Mariana Hahn, Constantin Hartenstein, Bart Hess, Olaf Holzapfel, Jarik Jongman, Yuan Goan-Ming, Gülsün Karamustafa, Hannu Karjalainen, Ola Kolehmainen, David Krippendorff, Jan Kuck, Via Lewandowsky, Joep van Liefland, Sarah Lüdemann, Bjorn Melhus, Tracey Moffatt, David Mozny, Timea Oravecz, Reynold Reynolds, Stefan Rinck, Maik Schierloh, Gary Schlingheider, Martin Sexton, Varvara Shavrova, Roman Soroko, Amanda Szabo, David Szauder & Anna Reka Baktay, Mariana Vassileva, Alexandra Vogt, Gabriela Volanti, Wiebke Maria Wachmann, Clemens Wilhelm, Clara Winter
Curators: Rachel Rits-Volloch, Constanze Kleiner and David Szauder

Ikono.TV presents
in three film-playlists works from:

Botticelli, Böcklin, Bruegel, Caravaggio, Courbet, Delacroix,
Dürer, C. D. Friedrich, Gericault, van Gogh, Goltzius, Goya,
Hiroshige, Hokusai, Mayakowsky, Mondrian, Piranesi

30.November - 12.Dezember 2015

Kooperation zwischen Ikono.TV und dem Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau- und Reaktorsicherheit im Kontext des Kunst- und Kulturfestivals "ArtCOP21" anläßlich der UN-Klimakonferenz in Paris.

Im Rahmen der Initiative „Art speaks out“ des internetbasierten Kunstfernsehsenders Ikono.TV wurde eine 24-stündige „On-Air-Show“ internationaler Video-Künstler anläßlich des 21. Klimagipfels in Berlin global ausgestrahlt. In diesem Kontext wurden darüber hinaus Interviews mit der deutschen Bundesumweltministerin, Dr. Barbara Hendricks und internationalen zeitgenössischen Künstlern zu Umweltthemen gezeigt. 
Moderiert wurden die Interviews von den in Berlin lebenden Autoren und Kulturjournalisten Jeni Fulton und Max Dax. 

Sie sprachen mit den Künstlern: 
Julius von Bismarck, Anne Katrine Dolven, Ulrike Haage, Markus Hoffmann, Olaf Holzapfel, Janet Laurence, Sophia Pompery

Diese Zusammenarbeit, speziell die Interviews, wurde von Constanze Kleiner organisiert und kuratiert.


17. – 20. September 2015

Elvira Bach, Herbert Behrens-Hangeler, Pierre Buraglio, Oscar Castillo, Marion Eichmann, Florian Fausch, Albrecht Genin, Michael Golz, Lennart Grau, Marc Grümmert, Falko Hamm, Angela Hampel, Francesco Jodice Jean-Baptiste Huynh, Alexandra Huber,  Marc von der Hocht, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Thomas Kaemmerer, Markus Keibel, Ralf Kerbach, Harald Kröner, László Lackner, Rudolf zur Lippe, Joseph Marr, Katharina Meister, Franck Moëglen, Michael Mørk, Johannes Nagel, Katja Pfeiffer, Ev Pommer, Kevin A. Rausch, Susanne Roewer, Francisco Rozas, Gisela Schlicht, Nadja Schöllhammer, Sooki, Christoph Steinmeyer, Wolf Vostell, Patricia Waller, Peter Wackernagel, Majla Zeneli

Constanze Kleiner

Die Jubiläumsausstellung der Berliner Galerien im Landesverband Berliner Galerien (lvbg) zeigt Arbeiten zum Entstehungsprozess von Kunst:

Christian Achenbach, Marc Aschenbrenner, Bang, Benjamin Bernt, Andreas Blank, Bretz/Holliger, Thomas Chan, Lea Draeger, Kerstin Dzewior, Thomas Eller, Gerrit Engel, Gfeller + Hellsgård, Amelie Grözinger, Philip Grözinger, Mariana Hahn, Felix Höfner, Werner Jakits, Christian Jankowski, Locust Jones, Jarik Jongmann, Lisa Junghanß, Manuela Kasemir, Ruprecht von Kaufmann, Anna Krammig, Clemens Krauss, Hinrich Kröger, Via Lewandowsky, Grischa Lichtenberger, Sarah Lüdemannn, mahony, Rosa Merk, Rebecca Michaelis, Mirko Mielke, Ulrik Møller, Sebastian Neeb, Hajnal Nemeth, Albrecht Pischel, Andreas Reiter Raabe, Zsolt Reviczky, Stefan Rinck, Peter Sandbichler, Maik Schierloh, Isa Schmidlehner, Julia Schorlemmer, Sibylle Schorlemmer, Peter Scior, Björn Segschneider, Joep van Liefland, Alexandra Vogt, Jorinde Voigt, Gabriela Volanti, Wiebke Maria Wachmann, Ryszard Wasko, Ricardo Peredo Wende, Erwin Wurm, Thomas Zipp

November 17 - 23, 2014 ​

Artist: Ryszard Wasko
Curator: Constanze Kleiner

Fot the first time since 25 years the Berlin based artist Ryszard Wasko (born in Lodz, Poland) will be presented in Vienna again. 
At the end of the 70s he was collaborating also with Vienna artists, among them, Kurt Kren and Valie Export, who even visited his hometown Lodz in around 1977 and met there the well known avant-garde-group “Workshop”, from which Wasko was a member.
During Vienna Art Week in a spontaneous collaboration with the Vienna based artist and owner of the legend “The Breakfast Club”, Werner Jakits, a video from Ryszard Wasko’s performance from 1997 will be shown as a screening at “The Breakfast Café” at the art-district “Schleifmühlgasse” in Vienna.

17 - 21. September 2014


Artists: Christian Achenbach, Bang, Agnieszka Baranska, Benjamin Bernt, Andreas Blank, Bernhard Bretz, Kristina Buch, Peter Buggenhout, Jonas Burgert, Amelie Grözinger, Philip Grözinger, Ingo Günther, Mariana Hahn, Felix Höfner, Gregor Hildebrandt, Matthias Holliger, Alexandra Hopf, Zuzanna Janin, Bernd Kastner, Via Lewandowsky, Grischa Lichtenberger, Joep van Liefland, Henning Lohner, Dirk Moritz, Darren Norman, Werner Palkovits, Ricardo Peredo, Stefan Rinck, Maik Schierloh, Gundula Schulze Eldowy, Natalia Szostak, Alexandra Vogt, Gabriela Volanti, Ryszard Wasko, Erwin Wurm, Thomas Zipp

Curator: Constanze Kleiner


December 15, 2013 - January 24, 2014

Curators: Vera Baksa-Soos, David Elliott, Constanze Kleiner, Rachel Rits-Volloch, David Szauder

In Partnership with Momentum Berlin and Collegium Hungaricum Berlin.

THRESHOLDS is about a unique moment or timeframe, when borders are crossed, rules are broken. It is about certain situations, when changes happen and something new might come into the world. A theme, that fits to Szczecin - a city on the crossroads between Poland and Germany, finding its new identity.

TRAFO Artists in Residence
Andreas Blank, Jarik Jongman

TRAFO Cooperations. HEAVY WEIGHT HISTORY (video documentation)
Christian Jankowski

The MOMENTUM Collection:
Eric Bridgeman, Osvaldo Budet, Nezaket Ekici, Doug Fishbone, James P. Graham, Mariana Hahn, Mark Karasick, Hannu Karjalainen, Janet Laurence, Gabriele Leidloff, Sarah Lüdemann, Kate Mcmillan, David Medalla, Tracey Moffat, Map Office, Kirsten Palz, Fiona Pardington, Martin Sexton, Sumugan Sivanesan, Shonah Trescott, Tv Moore, Mariana Vassileva
Nezaket Ekici, Tube, performance at Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, 2013

August 2 - October 20, 2013

Artist: ​ Ryszard Wasko
Curator: Constanze Kleiner

Genesis is a monographic exhibition of an outstanding conceptualist Ryszard Waśko. It is the first such broad presentation of his art in Poland and abroad.

TRAFO Trafostacja Sztuki presents the international artist, visionary and curator. For the past three decades, he writes, together with his family, a new chapter in the history of art worldwide. His activities, focused around the creative process, testify that any artistic endeavour is an art in itself. He combines creative activity with that of an organizer, activist and curator. It was Waśko who initiated Konstrukcja w Procesie (Construction in Process), the biggest modern art exhibition in the post-war Poland. Held in 1981, the exhibition featured Sol LeWitt, Richard Serra and Richard Long, among others.

April 13 – May 18, 2013

Artist: Christian Jankowski
Curator: Constanze Kleiner

The starting point for the work on THE EYE OF DUBAI was an invitation Christian Jankowski had received from the BBC television network to participate in one of the episodes of the Collaboration Culture series. In this series creative individuals from different cultures get paired up to produce a new work of art.

Following the Collaboration Culture series idea, the BBC connected Jankowski to a Dubai-based curator Rami Farook. The BBC did not accept Jankowski’s initial idea to blindfold the entire BBC crew during their stay in Dubai. Regardless of that, Jankowski along with his own Berlin based film crew arrived in Dubai blindfolded. While acting as a guide to Jankowski and his team, Rami Farook became an emblematic figure of the entire process.

April 14 - May 31, 2012

Project Managing

Mass and Mess - curator: David Szauder 
SKYSCREEN - curator: Rachel Rits-Volloch

Eva Magyarosi, Dyorgy Kovasznai, Laszlo Horkay, Bart Hess, Adam Magyar - Mass and Mess

AES+F, Jiang Zhi, Cao Fei, Sumugan Sivanesan, MAP Office - SKYSCREEN

MOMENTUMs first internationally hosted SKY SCREEN program takes to the streets on April 14th! Screening in 3 locations simultaneously, SKY SCREEN turns its hosts into an ever-changing canvas for contemporary art, bringing video art out of darkened galleries and onto the streets for everyone to see.

June 2 - October 31, 2012

Artist: Gregor Schneider 
Curator: Constanze Kleiner

since 2009

To continue the developement of several projects, started in the context of the Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin like idea and concept of a mobile gallery for contemporary art  as Kunsthalle in Transit  with several international exhibition projects  focussed on East- Europe developement of an exhibition-concept for outsider art the shadow of avantgarde  in cooperation with Veit Loers, curator and art-critic, based on the ccollection Charlotte Zander; production of a film-documentation of the collector





September, 2008 - August, 2010

Managing Partner

2005-2008 responsible for project development, financing, marketing and the execution of the idea of a temporary art gallery on the Schlossplatz in Berlin.

2007 Addition by the senate and the mayor of Berlin

2008-2009 mainly responsible for construction, investment, business financing, public relations, marketing, event management as well as political and international relations of the Temporäre Kunsthalle.

In this context idea, concept, planning and execution of events and projects with the Secretary of State and the Federal Minister for Environment and others.

Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin


Independent Project Work

2006 founding of “Kunstraum Oranienburger“ as a platform for contemporary art – projects in public space in Berlin.






December 2005

Independent Project Work

Art exhibition “36x27x10” in the former Palast der Republik – As giver of the idea and initiator responsible for the organisation and management of one of the most successful privately financed exhibitions of contemporary art in Germany.

With Franz Ackermann, Dirk Bell, John Bock, Monica Bonvicini, Candice Breitz, Angela Bulloch, André Butzer, Björn Dahlem, Tacita Dean, Thomas Demand, Martin Eder, Olafur Eliasson, Ceal Floyer, Future7, Mathew Hale, Eberhard Havekost, Jeppe Hein, Thilo Heinzmann, Uwe Heineken, Gregor Hildebrandt, Michel Majerus, Bjørn Melhus, Olaf Nicolai, Frank Nitsche, Isa Melsheimer, Manfred Pernice, Daniel Pflumm, Anselm Reyle, Gerwald Rockenschaub, Bojan Sarcevic, Thomas Scheibitz, Christoph Schlingensief, Katja Strunz, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Corinne Wasmuht, Thomas Zipp


Independent Project Work

Exhibition of contemporary art in the former Palast der Republik – Responsible for the room concept and the setup of the White-Cube-Lounge.


2004 - 2005

Atlantic crossing and stay at the Azores for one year running the charter-project Simile Sailing as head of communication and marketing


Independent project activity 

Idea, concept, production and marketing of various cultural formats in event catering (including Tutti - The Opera Band).

2002 - 2004

Independent Project Work

Fundraising and partner acquisition for „Fraktale III – Faktor Transzendenz“ – Exhibition of contemporary art in the underground station Reichstag.




Independent project activity 

Idea, interior concept, staging and production of a multidisciplinary arts, culture and events center.


1993 - 1996

Idea and implementation of Art, Event and Cultural Centre at Castle Stolpe auf Usedom Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

1990 - 1992

Trips abroad to Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Greece.
Several months stay on Rhodes - acquisition and reconstruction of a historic fisherman's house